Updated School Admission Regulations now published

The School Admissions (England) (Coronavirus) (Appeals Arrangements) (Amendment) Regulations 2020  were published today and will remain in place until 31st January 2021. The regulations  apply to appeals that have not yet been determined and any between now and 21 January 2021. The main approach of the regulations is to remove (or disapply) the need for appeals … Continued

Procedure rules and Remote Meetings Protocol now published

This Protocol and accompanying Procedure Rules provide the means and guidance for the conduct of any remote meeting of the Council, and its various Committees and Sub-Committees, held under the provisions of the Regulations. This Protocol and Procedure Rules should be read in conjunction with the Authority’s Standing Orders and Procedure Rules within the Constitution. … Continued

Latest statement from ADSO

Local democracy and council decision-making are threatened by the Coronavirus outbreak. ADSO is expecting the Government to issue regulations next week to allow for virtual meetings.  Key meetings, such as regulatory and school appeal committees, must be able to take place without the need to physically meet.    ADSO is urging all local authorities to … Continued

Draft Members’ Code of Conduct

The LGA has published the draft Members’ Code of Conduct. The LGA will be issuing a series of questions next week as part of its revised consultation exercise. We will circulate a link to these questions once they are available. Please ensure that your authority takes part in the consultation and responds accordingly. ADSO will … Continued

Letter to SoS – Covid 19 – Implications for Local Authority Governance

Dear Secretary of State We are writing to you to highlight a number of governance issues facing local authorities arising from the Covid – 19 emergency and the further restrictions likely to be imposed by Government. Our associations represent local authority lawyers, monitoring officers and governance staff within English principal councils. We have issued advice … Continued


The ASSOCIATION OF DEMOCRATIC SERVICES OFFICERS (ADSO) Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 21 November 2019 AT 4.20 PM at the BRISTOL FILTON HOLIDAY INN, BRISTOL BS16 1QX. This event is part of the Annual Conference. PUBLISHED AGENDA extension: pdf 2018 final accounts_118779 extension: pdf PUBLISHED SUPPLEMENTARY extension: pdf

Appointment of non-executive Director

The Board is delighted to announce that we have appointed Colin Copus as our very first non-executive Director. Colin as many will know is a very high profile and respected figure in the local government field and it is a real compliment to ADSO that he has agreed to join us. Colin is Emeritus Professor … Continued