ADSO in Scotland

We have been involved in discussions with SOLAR which is the organisation in Scotland representing lawyers and committee administrators. SOLAR has invited ADSO to take part in their Autumn Conference to be held on 10 November in Glasgow. I have agreed with the Board that we will sponsor a number of ADSO members to attend (paying travel and subsistence expenses). This is a great opportunity to network with colleagues in Scotland and increase your knowledge of local government across other parts of the UK. It is particularly relevant to learners. So if you wish to put your name forward, please e mail me ( by 15 October.

The discussion paper on the Governance Professional of the Future has been posted on the website and you have the  opportunity to get involved in the debate. This is a really important issue which could shape how ADSO supports you in the future. So don’t leave it to others. Let us know what you think.

Another reminder please to get your membership renewals back quickly.

Have a good week

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