ADSO in Scotland and Birmingham

In keeping with our policy of providing ADSO members with as many development opportunities as possible, I have agreed to promote the following course run by one of our partner organisations, the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC). This is a management leadership course offered at a discounted rate for ADSO members. Please go here to see the details and contact the SLCC office on 01823 253646  if you are interested.

I am representing ADSO at the SOLAR Conference in Aberdeen this week. I am presenting a workshop on ‘Democratic Services – The English Experience’. Thanks to those of you who have sent me material for that session.

Finally, the INLOGOV/CfPS and ADSO seminar of Scrutiny in Challenging Times is taking place in Birmingham on 24 March. Please go to the INLOGOV website for further details if you wish to attend.

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