Weekly message from Colin Copus, ADSO Non-Executive Director

In this newsletter we welcome Carl Whistlecraft as our new Non-Executive Director. Carl and myself are both Non-Executive Directors and will together: advise ADSO on current topical issues of interest; attend board meetings to discuss issues and help implement our strategic objectives; use our networks of contacts to support the work of the board and ADSO generally; and, act as ambassadors for ADSO to promote ADSO and extend our influence with Government and other agencies nationally and regionally. We will add our own perspectives and background knowledge to what we do and help to strengthen ADSO’s impact.

Review of Charter on Local Self-Government
The Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and regional Authorities has recently reviewed how well this country complies with the Charter on Local Self-Government signed in 1998. It is the second time the Congress has reviewed our compliance – it wasn’t good last time in 2013 and it’s not improved much. The Congress’ report made a number of recommendations to strengthen local government including recognising in law the principle of local self-government. The report is something councillors should discuss and can be found here: https://search.coe.int/congress/Pages/result_details.aspx?ObjectId=0900001680a5b483

ADSO Webinars
You can now book onto the May webinar, The New Model Code of Conduct taking place on Friday 20 May, 10:30-11:30. Paul Hoey from Hoey Ainscough is leading the session, he was involved in the development of the Code guidance and so is knowledgeable on the new Code. To book, click here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6297938155073450508

There are still a few spaces available on my webinar this Wednesday 20 April, 11:00-12:00 Levelling-Up: The Implications and Opportunities for DSOsBook herehttps://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3137367791467332368

Colin Copus, Non-Executive Director

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