Weekly message from Dave Burn, Vice Chair

Like many of you, a number of Councils are getting ready for democracy week, and with all this democracy around one would imagine it should be reasonably straight forward! I have had many discussions over the years – and run a few training sessions on it as well – regarding public engagement through the democratic process, what that means and how to encourage it. The ability to attend planning meetings to raise objections, the ability to attend meetings and follow the process, the ability to lobby your councillor, the ability to vote; the list goes on. It is all of those things and so much more.

Unfortunately, I have witnessed many meetings, where services have been cut. Local residents have attended and made impassioned speeches, often in tears. Residents have made their views clear and, in the main, not been too concerned by the predicament of the council making the decision. Our services can be the difference between life and death, protection for the vulnerable, providing respite for those who need support etc. That is why it is so important and passions can run high.

So why should we promote democracy week? It is a good opportunity to promote what we do, to encourage people to participate – whether that is as a councillor or an active citizen or to satisfy curiosity or to explain our citizens’ rights. Indeed, it does not just have external benefit. Many colleagues find this political malarkey a little too bamboozling, which it can be, but important it is as well, it is our right!

Remember, democracy week is not just for the week commencing 14 October, it is for life!

Local Government News – 4 Oct 2019

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Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government announces 2020-21 Local Government settlement proposals
For details of the consultation document please click on the link below.

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