Weekly message from Pete Savage, Company Secretary

As I write this (before the first round ballot unfortunately) the race to find a new Prime Minister is hotting up. Candidates are setting out their respective stalls and we will soon get to know what the collective priorites are. At this stage Brexit, tax cuts and budget proposals seem to be leading the way, although it was pleasing to hear one candidate backing salary increases for hard pressed public servants! I have a suspicion that she might not have had hard working DSOs in mind, but you all deserve it as far as I am concerned. Issues such as past drug use and being serious or otherwise are hitting the fan, so the campaign looks likely to get dirtier and dirtier. Not many of the candidates, with one notable exception, seem to have much local government
experience which is always disappointing to me as democracy starts with local government in my opinion.

The next six weeks are important for the country as a whole and for democracy in particular as it will shape the country’s short to medium term future at least.

Talking of short to medium term future, the ADSO Board is having an away day next week to review the strategy and direction of the organisation. We would all love to hear what your priorities are so that we can
endeavour to shape the organisation accordingly. Please contact any Board member (director or regional representative) in order to feed into the process.

We still have spaces for the “just a minute” course in Tamworth more details can be found here.

And finally, we have opened bookings for our Annual Conference in November. This years conference is taking place in Bristol, more details and the the programme can be found via the link below.

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