Local Democracy Maker Day

We believe in bringing together people who have an interest in local democracy – and who are up for the challenge of making it work better for all of us.

We are Local Democracy Bytes and the wider #notwestminster gang. Our Maker Day is part of a new collaboration with LocalGov Digital Makers and Democracy Club. It’s about turning our discussions around local democracy and digital into some practical tools that we can all use to make democracy work better for us.

As part of the work there are plans to set up a design day for LG Makers with the focus on local democracy the day before LocalGov Camp next month.

This follows on from the #Notwestminster stuff – full details here: https://notinwestminster.wordpress.com/2015/08/05/local-democracy-maker-day/

In order to assist in the planning (and hopefully pull together some draft design briefs) we’ve pulled together a couple of surveys:

One that is about design challenges:

One that is focussed particularly at Elections and Democratic Services Officers

Please spare a few moments to provide your views.