
I am pleased to advise that ADSO sponsored the annual Notwestminster event this year, for the second time. You may be familiar with the event, but they are arranged by Kirklees and provide an opportunity for those working in the sector, citizens and interested organisations and individuals to consider improvements to local democracy.

Over 2 days, a series of wide ranging sessions were led by people who want to evoke change. Many of those in attendance were blogging so worthwhile having a look via the notwestmister website at those to get an idea on how the event went. As you will see, the subjects were varied and approached in a very different way. So why did we sponsor the event? Well, we believe it is important for us to support such vibrant projects and initiatives. The approach to the sessions is also something we can learn from, but above all, the event is very good!

This years event was held in Huddersfield on 10 and 11 February. Thanks to Frankie Belloli and James McLaughlin for supporting day 1. The Chair and Vice-Chair attended on day 2. I would strongly recommend attending future sessions. We will look to see how we might feed some of the discussion and outcomes into our organisation, both nationally and regionally. If you have any ideas please do not hesitate to contact us.

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