Procedure rules and Remote Meetings Protocol now published

This Protocol and accompanying Procedure Rules provide the means and guidance for the conduct of any remote meeting of the Council, and its various Committees and Sub-Committees, held under the provisions of the Regulations.

This Protocol and Procedure Rules should be read in conjunction with the Authority’s Standing Orders and Procedure Rules within the Constitution. The Regulations, made under section 78 of the Coronavirus Act 2020, apply notwithstanding any other legislation or current or pre-existing standing orders or any other rules of the Authority governing meetings and remain valid until 7th May 2021. This means that, wherever there is a conflict, these Remote Meetings Procedure Rules take precedence in relation to any remote meeting.


LLG-ADSO Remote Meetings Protocol and Procedure Rules 2020-04-17

extension: pdf



For a list of all guidance relating to the coronavirus Act 2020 can be found here

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