As part of our support for senior officers, ADSO and Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) would like to invite you to take part in these virtual training days designed for Deputy Monitoring Officers.

Both courses are free for you to participate in. The training is sponsored by ADSO and LLG, along with the Local Government Association (LGA). There are 30 places available on each course.

To express your interest in either or both courses, please complete the booking form by Friday 10th January 2025.

If the courses are oversubscribed, we will also explore further training options, so please do let us know if you’re interested in taking part.

Essential practical guidance for Deputy Monitoring Officers

Wednesday 5 February 2025 – 10am – 4pm


This virtual training day will be on the role of the Monitoring Officer.


The training will be provided by Weightmans LLP and Hoey Ainscough Associates Ltd and is designed for Deputy Monitoring Officers, particularly those who are aspiring to be Monitoring Officers.


The session will be co-hosted by Simon Goacher, Head of Local Government and Partner at Weightmans LLP and Paul Hoey, Co-Director at Hoey Ainscough Associates Ltd, the leading experts on the English member standards framework.


The day will take a practical look at the role and responsibilities that come with the role of Monitoring Officer (MO) and Deputy Monitoring Officer (DMO), consider how to navigate the standards framework and provide essential tips on managing within a political environment.


It will also offer insights on the chief executive’s and members’ views of the monitoring officer role. The course will focus on real-life situations and scenarios, delivered by presenters who have considerable experience in acting as and advising Monitoring Officers.


Code of Conduct Investigation Training

Thursday 6 March 2025 – 10am – 3pm


This virtual training day will be on effective Code of Conduct investigations and is designed for Deputy Monitoring Officers.


The session will be co-hosted by Paul Hoey and Natalie Ainscough, Co-Directors at Hoey Ainscough Associates Ltd, the leading experts on the English member standards framework and Alex Oram, Director of ch&i Associates, who specialise in investigations into politicians, including complaints into bullying and sexual misconduct within the UK Parliament.


The training will cover legal, ethical, and procedural aspects to ensure that investigators are well-equipped to effectively investigate complaints about councillor conduct and produce clear, well-evidenced and objective reports.


Training will include:

• An introduction to the Code of Conduct: Overview of the Councillor Code of Conduct, its purpose, and importance.

• Legal Framework: Key laws and regulations governing conduct investigations, including local government acts and relevant ethical guidelines.

• Investigation Process: Steps involved in conducting an investigation, from initial complaint assessment to final report writing.

• Evidence Handling: Techniques for collecting, preserving, and evaluating evidence.

• Interviewing Skills: Best practices for interviewing witnesses and subjects of investigations.

• Report Writing: Structuring and writing clear, concise, and legally sound investigation reports.

• Case Studies: Analysis of previous cases to highlight common issues and effective solutions.

• Ethical Considerations: Addressing potential ethical dilemmas and maintaining impartiality and confidentiality.

Terms and Conditions of bookings

Placements will be allocated on a first come, first served basis to full members of ADSO who are designated Deputy Monitoring Officers working within a local authority.  ADSO reserves the right to determine admission to these courses in any event at their absolute own discretion.

Members who are unable to attend are asked to provide a minimum of 24 hours’ notice. A waiting list will be held in the event the sessions are over-subscribed.