One of the key aims of ADSO is to provide a range of training and development opportunities for its members.
We have members from the full range of Democratic Support areas (committee services, overview and scrutiny, civic, member services and community governance) and are keen to ensure that continued professional development opportunities are provided to suit all experience levels through both our professional qualifications and annual training programme.
We offer two qualifications, a Certificate in Democratic Services Knowledge and an ADSO Diploma in Local Democracy and have up to 100 learners working towards those at the current time. For those members who wish to partake in less formal learning, we provide an annual training programme with a range of courses which are delivered nationally. Importantly we provide practitioner led training which facilitates the sharing of information across authorities in sessions where delegates and facilitators learn from each other.
To find out more about the range of development opportunities provided by the ADSO Qualifications and Development Centre, please select the relevant drop down menu above.