ADSO Certificate in Democratic Services Knowledge
ADSO offer two (non-regulated) qualification programmes for those working in Democratic Services:
- The Certificate in Democratic Services Knowledge
- The Diploma in Local Democracy
It is important to note that these are both distance learning programmes of self-directed study, there are no face to face or online training sessions to attend.
An assessor is allocated to you to provide guidance throughout the programme
The Certificate in Democratic Services Knowledge
For more details about the Certificate in Democratic Services Knowledge download this brochure.
ADSO Certificate Programme Overview
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Gaining the Certificate
Each learner is assigned an assessor to support them through their studies. There is no formal training required but ADSO offers a range of courses to compliment the programme and a number of resources to support learners to help with research and guidance on completing the assignments.
Please note that currently the assessment criteria are based on English legislation.
Workplace mentors
Learners must identify a workplace mentor when registering for this programme. For more information on the role of the workplace mentor please see the guidance document below.
Workplace mentor guidance document
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ADSO training courses
Learners can access two free places on training courses during their time on the ADSO Certificate, this applies to courses except ‘Just a Minute’ and ‘Becoming a DSO.’
If you would like to access a place as a Learner please ensure that you email at the point of booking to ensure that there are places available and to inform East Midlands Councils that you would like to take advantage of this benefit of being an ADSO Learner.
Learners must complete their assignments to strict deadlines, these are laid out in the ADSO Certificate Programme Overview with the aim of completing 7 modules within an agreed timescale of 18 months.
Learners must be prepared to work on the programme in their own time, without this commitment it is not possible to complete the programme.
ADSO members: £1,200 + VAT
Non ADSO member: £1,530 + VAT
A limited number of bursaries are available for ADSO members – please go the bursaries web page for information. Submission deadlines apply.
Applying for a place on programme
Step 1: Complete the expression of interest form by clicking on the following link:
Expressions of interest submitted after 30th November will be added to a waiting list and carried forward to the following year if no places become available
Step 2: You will receive a unique reference number – please keep this safe
Step 3: We will contact you in November and ask you to provide further information to support your application
Step 4: After you have completed the full application, your line manager is contacted and asked to provide some further information. This must be completed prior to 30th of November
Step 5: Applications are considered in December and places on the programme are offered in January
Step 6: If you are offered a place, you are required to confirm your acceptance and confirm employer support
There are a limited number of places available on each cohort and applications are processed in order of receipt of expressions of interest.
The next cohort will start in March 2025.
For all enquiries please contact:
The most significant change I have noticed since completing the programme in 2022 is that my confidence in my work has soared. There is a lot to learn when you start out in Democratic Services. I started off going to meetings second guessing myself. During and after the completion of the Certificate, I was confident in my knowledge and my ability. I felt like I really knew what I was talking about and having the Certificate behind me was the proof. Now I communicate my knowledge without doubting myself and I conduct myself with confidence. It gave me a real boost, and my colleagues from across the council have even noticed this change in me as well!
Sally Watson, Democratic Services Officer, Charnwood Borough Council
I decided to embark on the ADSO certificate in Democratic Knowledge in March 2020, and module one became my lockdown project, little did I know the final module would also be a lockdown project, as well as several of the modules in between! That all seems a world away now, however the usefulness of what I learned through the assignments is still something I think about and refer to!
One of the things I learned while preparing assignments was that it’s ok to not know – you can find out, and also that thinking and reflection before responding helps. There are lots of resources including the ADSO’s training sessions and forum. Completing the certificate has increased my confidence that I have the knowledge and understanding to support the democratic process in my role, and to share the knowledge with elected members, senior staff and colleagues.
Cathy Hayward, Committee Services Officer, London Borough of Sutton
The Certificate has been a challenging but rewarding qualification to undertake, furthering my knowledge of Surrey County Council’s processes and governance arrangements in comparison with the arrangements within other councils across the UK.
The optional Knowledge Bank – resource which provided guidance to support learner research such as key sources – and the seven assignments have developed my knowledge of my day-to-day activities and covered all aspects of Democratic Services from understanding the structures and functions of local government, researching local government legislation and assessing how that differs across the countries within the UK, looking at governance arrangements, how to manage meetings effectively and exploring the relationship between Members and officers.
The final assignment was insightful as it gave me a deeper understanding of overview and scrutiny which is outside of my day-to-day regulatory work. The Certificate has provided me with a strong foundation for progressing my career in Democratic Services and I recommend it to anyone seeking professional development.
Amelia Christopher, Committee Manager: Legal and Democratic Services, Surrey County Council