Welcome to the Members Area where various resources are available to members. If you are not a member, please click here to join.
Members Forum
The Members Forum can be accessed here
Legal Bulletin/Democracy Direct
The Democracy Direct Bulletin can be accessed here
Weekly Updates from the Board
Weekly Updates from the Board can be access here
In Your Area~
Our regional branches are in varying stages of development but will offer the opportunity to make connections and learn about the latest developments in democratic services within your region. They will provide valuable network and training opportunities and will be used as the key facilitator for providing responses to government consultations on behalf of ADSO.
Branches rely on the commitment of individuals within the regions, particularly whilst in the establishment stages so please contact your regional representative if you wish to become involved.
For further information about your local area please follow the links below:
- East of England
- East Midlands
- London
- North West
- South East
- South West
- West Midlands
- North East, Yorkshire & Humberside
- Scotland
- Wales
- Themed and Combined Authorities