Workshop 1: Introduction to Health Service Governance @ Via Zoom
Feb 26 @ 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

For full detail and to book, click here: Introduction to Health Service Governance


  • Are you currently in the NHS working at bands 5-8?
  • Or are you working in local government with health scrutiny committees or keen to explore a career in the NHS?


If so, this course will help you understand the key questions, drivers and decisions driving health service governance.  It will also demonstrate how your local authority governance skills can be applied in another setting to aid career development.


The workshops will provide an overview of NHS governance including:

  • Its structure and functions
  • The law and guidance that surrounds it
  • How leadership and culture are vital to its success
  • The roles and responsibilities of an NHS board
  • The difference (and similarities) between the NHS and local government

The workshops will include plenary presentations, case studies and smaller group working, enabling delegates to learn with other people from across the country.

Date and time

Workshop One – Wednesday 26th February 2025, 1.30pm-4.30pm
Workshop Two – Monday 3rd March 2025, 1.30pm-4.30pm

Please note that you only need to book the workshop on 26th February to be able to attend both workshops and attendance is required at both sessions.

London Regional meeting @ Camden Council
Feb 28 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

For more information, please contact Fiona Rae (fiona.rae@barnet.gov.uk) or Maria Burton (maria.burton@lbhf.gov.uk)

Workshop 2: Introduction to Health Service Governance @ Via Zoom
Mar 3 @ 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

For full detail and to book, click here: Introduction to Health Service Governance


  • Are you currently in the NHS working at bands 5-8?
  • Or are you working in local government with health scrutiny committees or keen to explore a career in the NHS?


If so, this course will help you understand the key questions, drivers and decisions driving health service governance.  It will also demonstrate how your local authority governance skills can be applied in another setting to aid career development.


The workshops will provide an overview of NHS governance including:

  • Its structure and functions
  • The law and guidance that surrounds it
  • How leadership and culture are vital to its success
  • The roles and responsibilities of an NHS board
  • The difference (and similarities) between the NHS and local government

The workshops will include plenary presentations, case studies and smaller group working, enabling delegates to learn with other people from across the country.

Date and time

Workshop One – Wednesday 26th February 2025, 1.30pm-4.30pm
Workshop Two – Monday 3rd March 2025, 1.30pm-4.30pm

Please note that you only need to book the workshop on 26th February to be able to attend both workshops and attendance is required at both sessions.

Workshop 1: Ethics and Standards @ Via Zoom
Mar 5 @ 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

For full details and to book, click here: Ethics and Standards


This course is aimed at Democratic Services Officers who wish to develop their understanding of the legal framework within which councils operate and the practical application of this to the range of work areas undertaken by democratic services teams.  The course content will be relevant both to those who are relatively new to democratic services and officers with a few years’ experience, who may want to refresh their knowledge on ethics and standards.

How the course will be delivered

The course will be delivered virtually.  To maximise the delegates’ learning experience the course has been divided into two virtual workshops.

Workshop 1

  • Provide an overview of the Legal Framework
  • An overview of the Code of Conduct, together with some case studies
  • Committee on Standards in Public Life and LGA – model Code of Conduct
  • What the law says about Members’ Interests, together various case studies regarding Members’ Interests
  • Dispensations from the Monitoring Officer

Workshop 2

  • Provide a short recap of the learning from Workshop 1
  • An overview of the Standards Committees
  • Explanation of Independent Persons and their role
  • Details about complaints, Investigations and Standards Hearings, together with various case studies around complaints

The workshops will include plenary presentations, case studies and smaller group working, enabling delegates to learn with delegates from across the country.  This will also provide great opportunity for delegates to network and share contact details with each other for future reference and information sharing.

Dates and times

Workshop One – Wednesday 5th March 2025, 9.30am-12.30pm
Workshop Two – Wednesday 12th March 2025, 9.30am-12.30pm

Delegates are required to attend both workshops.  Please note that you only need to book on 5th March course date to be able to attend both workshops.

Code of Conduct Investigation Training @ Virtual
Mar 6 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

For full details and to express interest, please visit:

Express your interest in our training for Deputy Monitoring Officers

Workshop 2: Ethics and Standards @ Via Zoom
Mar 12 @ 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

For full details and to book, click here: Ethics and Standards


This course is aimed at Democratic Services Officers who wish to develop their understanding of the legal framework within which councils operate and the practical application of this to the range of work areas undertaken by democratic services teams.  The course content will be relevant both to those who are relatively new to democratic services and officers with a few years’ experience, who may want to refresh their knowledge on ethics and standards.

How the course will be delivered

The course will be delivered virtually.  To maximise the delegates’ learning experience the course has been divided into two virtual workshops.

Workshop 1

  • Provide an overview of the Legal Framework
  • An overview of the Code of Conduct, together with some case studies
  • Committee on Standards in Public Life and LGA – model Code of Conduct
  • What the law says about Members’ Interests, together various case studies regarding Members’ Interests
  • Dispensations from the Monitoring Officer

Workshop 2

  • Provide a short recap of the learning from Workshop 1
  • An overview of the Standards Committees
  • Explanation of Independent Persons and their role
  • Details about complaints, Investigations and Standards Hearings, together with various case studies around complaints

The workshops will include plenary presentations, case studies and smaller group working, enabling delegates to learn with delegates from across the country.  This will also provide great opportunity for delegates to network and share contact details with each other for future reference and information sharing.

Dates and times

Workshop One – Wednesday 5th March 2025, 9.30am-12.30pm
Workshop Two – Wednesday 12th March 2025, 9.30am-12.30pm

Delegates are required to attend both workshops.  Please note that you only need to book on 5th March course date to be able to attend both workshops.

Workshop 1: Working in a Political Environment @ Via Zoom
Mar 18 @ 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

For full details and to book, click here: Working in a Political Environment


This course is aimed at Democratic Services Officers who wish to work more effectively with elected members. The target audience will be those who are relatively new to democratic service teams and those with a few years’ experience.

The content is also linked to Module 6, Members and Officers in Local Government,  of the ADSO Certificate so it will help learners with their research for this module.

How the course will be delivered

The course will be delivered virtually, to maximise the delegates learning experience the course has been broken into two virtual workshops.

The workshops will seek to:

  • Explore and better understand the differences between the roles and responsibilities of elected members and officers.
  • Examine the legal, constitutional and procedural framework regulating the conduct of members and officers.
  • Enhance your understanding of the political environment around you.
  • Develop your knowledge and skills of how to operate effectively in a political environment.

The workshops are designed to be interactive and include a lot of smaller group working and case studies. Participants are encouraged to take an active part in the course and to learn from the experiences of other delegates from across the country.

Dates and times

Workshop One – Tuesday 18th March 2025, 1.30pm-4.30pm
Workshop Two – Tuesday 25th March 2025, 9.30am-12.30pm

Delegates are required to attend both workshops.  Please note that you only need to book on 18th March course date to be able to attend both workshops.

South West Regional Meeting @ MS Teams
Mar 19 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

The meetings run from 09:30 to 12.:00 (approx) and are currently held on Teams.

Anyone who would like an invitation should contact Louise deCordova  Hayley Caves or Heather Rae

Becoming a Democratic Services Officer – An Introduction @ Via Zoom
Mar 20 @ 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

For full details and to book, click here:  Becoming a Democratic Services Officer – An Introduction


This course is aimed at newly appointed Democratic Services Officers who wish to develop their understanding of their role.   Specifically designed for those taking their first steps into the world of Democratic Services, this course is aimed at those in the first twelve weeks of starting.

How the course will be delivered

The course will be delivered virtually, and by the end of the workshop you will:

  • Understand what a local Council is and how it is funded.
  • Know the different types of local Council and what services they provide.
  • Understand how decisions are made and your role in supporting this, both in and out of meetings
  • Have a sense of how accountability works in local government, how Councils and Councillors are held to account and the role of scrutiny.
  • Have considered how the political environment of your workplace affects your role and makes it unique.

The workshops will include plenary presentations, case studies and smaller group working, enabling delegates to learn with colleagues from across the country.

Date and time

Thursday 20th March 2025, 9.30am-12.30pm


North West Regional meeting @ MS Teams
Mar 21 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Please contact Rachel Gibbons (RachelGibbons@wigan.gov.uk) for more information