Weekly message from Matthew Hall, Director of Business Strategy and Development

As regular readers of this newsletter may know, I became a member of the ADSO Board in spring of this year and my writing of this newsletter marks almost exactly five months since I joined.

Over the summer I’ve spent a lot of time getting to know the organisation and understand its position, from reading the regular news and updates we produce, through to many discussions and meetings with fellow Board members, Regional Representatives, and stakeholder organisations.

My background is not in Democratic Services or Local Government. I’ve spent my career to date working for membership organisations and representative bodies, primarily in the financial and professional services sector. More recently, I completed an MBA programme at Bayes Business School, where my research focused on how such organisations make strategic decisions. With that in mind, I’d like to believe I’m reasonably well placed to evaluate how a membership organisation performs.

A challenge common to many of us is how we can find it difficult to celebrate our own successes and recognise our own strengths. We tend to identify our weaknesses and challenges easily enough, but the positives can be harder to find. Perhaps, as a Board colleague remarked to me recently, this is a trait even more prevalent amongst ADSO members, in a sector where a job well done is often a job done discretely, carefully, and diplomatically. This is not a sector that screams or shouts for attention or praise.

Perhaps it should do. In the short time I have spent with ADSO, I have been impressed by the skills and professionalism of the members, who operate in complex and demanding environments. In particular, I have been struck by the willingness to collaborate and communicate with each other, sharing knowledge and best practice to solve each other’s problems. The membership has many authoritative voices and thoughtful leaders amongst it.

What does that mean for ADSO as an association? It is through identifying and building upon our strengths that we set ourselves up for future success. Creating more opportunities for engagement and communication will benefit our professional community, adding value to our members, and all those working in Democratic Services. Using our authoritative and expert voice to engage with more policymakers and stakeholders will ensure our members’ interests are represented and promoted.

At our recent Board Away Day, we reflected on some of the milestones ADSO has reached as an organisation, and combined with feedback from our members, began to shape a set of values that build upon our organisational strengths, and prepare us for the challenges of the future. These values will guide how we operate as an association, providing a set of core principles that will ensure we continue to provide value for you, our members. We’re excited to share them with you.

In the meantime, there is plenty going on across the organisation…

ADSO Monitoring Officers’ Group
ADSO has set up a support group for Monitoring Officers and Deputies. It is chaired by James McLaughlin, recently appointed as Assistant Chief Executive at Sandwell Council. If you are an MO or Deputy (or you know of somebody who is) and you/they are not a member of the group, please contact James and we’ll invite you/them to future meetings. His email address is James_McLaughlin@sandwell.gov.uk. We will be attending regional meetings early in 2024 to explain how this group works and seek views on how it can best support those in these roles and those who aspire to be MOs or Deputies.

Director of Communications vacancy
Joanna Boaler, our current Director of Communications, will be standing down from that role in November. Joanna has been brilliant and we will miss her. That means that there will be a vacancy to fill at the AGM. We will be publishing details of the role before then, so watch out for that if you are interested in putting your name forward.

We are all looking forward to the ADSO awards at the conference this year. Peter Sass and his team of judges are currently meeting the shortlisted candidates before the unenviable task of deciding on the winners. Congratulations to all those shortlisted and thank you to everyone who made a submission and supported the awards. You made them happen.

Webinar – Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions – Tuesday 7 November
Our next webinar will address the amended version of the code on school suspensions and permanent exclusions The presentation aims to give participants a better understanding of the amended code and what is required following a permanent exclusion leading to an Independent Review Hearing.  It is particularly suitable for Democratic Services Officers who manage, organise or clerk Independent Review Panel (IRP) hearings as well as Panel Members i.e. serving Headteachers, lay Chairs or Governors. Register here

Matthew Hall, ADSO Director of Business Strategy and Development

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