Workshop 2: Overview and Scrutiny

27th November 2024 @ 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Via Zoom
East Midlands Councils

ADSO is hosting a virtual course ‘Overview and Scrutiny’.  The course will be delivered as two, three-hour workshops held virtually via Zoom.  Delegates will be required to attend both of the virtual workshops.


This course is aimed at Democratic Services Officers who wish to develop their understanding of the main principles, roles and methodology of overview and scrutiny.  The target audience will be those who need an introduction to overview and scrutiny to equip them with the basics to support Overview and Scrutiny Committees and task and finish groups. The content is also linked to Module 7 of the ADSO Certificate so it will help learners with their research for this module.

How the course will be delivered

The course will be delivered virtually, to maximise the delegates learning experience the course has been broken into two virtual workshops.

The workshops will

  • Provide an understanding of the relevant legislation underpinning overview and scrutiny
  • Provide an understanding of the roles and principles of good scrutiny
  • Explore ideas about how to put together a Scrutiny Work Programme
  • Explore how to scope a scrutiny review
  • Consider the principles of good questioning

The workshops will include plenary presentations, case studies and smaller group working, enabling delegates to learn with delegates from across the country.

Trainers – Karen Widdowson & Peter Foulsham

Peter is the Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager at Wyre Council, where he has worked for fifteen years, previously as the Scrutiny Officer.  Throughout his working life Peter has always been involved in training and development and has assisted ADSO in this role over the past seven or eight years.  Peter is also an assessor on ADSO’s Diploma in Local Democracy.

Karen is the Democratic Services Manager and Deputy Monitoring Officer, Charnwood Borough Council. She is an experienced Democratic Services practitioner having worked in the profession for 20+ years across all key areas of Democratic Services including meetings and civic support, member development, scrutiny, citizenship and elections.  Karen has worked for several types of local authority which has built up extensive knowledge and experience about local government decision making and different political arrangements.  Karen is also an ADSO qualifications assessor and trainer, and an Independent Person for Sheffield and Barnsley Councils.

Date and time

Workshop One: Wednesday 20th November 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm
Workshop Two: Wednesday 27th November 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm

Delegates are required to attend both workshops.  Please note that you only need to book on 20th November course date to be able to attend both workshops.


  • ADSO Member rate – £110 + VAT per person to attend the course
  • Non-ADSO Member rate – £160 + VAT per person to attend the course

Please email if you wish to be allocated a learner place.

How to book a place

To book a place please use the online booking form via the link below. The terms and conditions of booking can be found here.

Booking requirements

  • A purchase order number is required for all bookings.  Please make the PO out to ADSO.  Courses cannot be attended if a purchase order is not received.
  • A hardcopy of the purchase order is required.
  • Please provide us with your ADSO Membership number (if applicable)
  • A few days after booking you will receive a calendar invite for the workshop(s).  Please note that your email address will be visible to all participants unless you advise us otherwise.
  • Please send the above information to

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